Sunday 2 March 2008

You Toe Pea Ahhhhhhh

I am green, I am blue, but I am not red.
I have feet, I have hands, but not sure about the head.

What does that say to you? If the answer is nothing then you are correct. If it is something else, you might still be correct, but you are a cleverer person than I and you should be in psychology or something. Something, over the same row, may I cry? If nerds cry over the same row, why then oh why can't I?

I am talking nonsense, but I am also talking sense. That is me. I'm sorry for somebody that I let down once (Or twice, I have not been told about any more than the once but I would presume I did more than once). You are a very nice shade of yellow, but I unfortunately I am green and the two only fit together rarely, if ever. I'm sorry for my colour.

But I am happy, I think. I have a sore throat, but despite this, it's ok. C'est Ok. Es ist Ok. 's wonderful, said George Gershwin once, but only because that was the title of his song. Did he mean it? Who knows. He always seemed content though.

The Albion Sails on Course

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