Tuesday 2 September 2008

The Return of the Space Cowboy

Hello and Welcome to this week's edition of...Playschool

There were (at least) once three Eagles. One was called Glen (who had a terrible sense of direction), one was called Chris (who just followed Glen), and the third was called...erm, Eddie or something. They lived in a nest, high up in a tree, above a smaller nest below. In that nest lived a cuckoo, called Cuckoo.
Anyway. One day, they heard a story of a Cowboy!!!!!! Called Drecksack. He rode horses and shot people drinking milk and did rodeos and line danced and wore great boots. But he wasn't happy. He had a lovely little cowgirl wife called Margarine and he loved her, but not in a way that she wanted. He loved her shoes, she wanted him to love her heart, which he couldn't do. He moved to Space, which is a small town in Tennesse. There, he met Johnny Cash, 3 years after his death. He told him: Son, if a man's gonna make it, he's gotta be tough. Drecksack knew that already. So he got a vaccuum from a man in a green hat called Luigi, and got rid of the Ghost in Black.
Ahhh the eagles, where do they come in?????? I hear you yelp in tense exasperation. Well, they loved Johnny Cash, and his ghost even more so, as with his ghost often came that little plucked bass sound he used to have in his songs, like in Folsom Prison Blues, to beat of what would normally be his footsteps. They wanted revenge!!!!!! For such a blasphemous an callous act. They flew out, but Glen with his bad sense of direction went the wrong way, with Chris in quick pursuit. The other one flew over the cuckoo's nest, so he squawked and the other two followed. Eddie or something was piste as a newt, as he ate one along the way.
They got to Drecksack's house, pecked a hole in his roof over a period of 6 to 8 months, and then clawed him when he came home from work. Whack, Whack, kapoosh, clang.
They carried him back to his orignal town. and do you know what he said? The cheeky sod, you're not going to believe this man's cheek. He said:
"I never left this town, I just took a 3 year vacation."

But the joke was on him, Margarine had found a baker and was with him now instead, so Drecksack just had to shoot those darn sonuvvabeeches till he was blue in the hand.

Next up on Playschool, how to make beans on toast from paper, and pva glue!

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